Davy Crockett Ranger District Site Predictive Model Evaluation - Davy Crockett NF - TX - PIT Blog - Passport in Time

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Davy Crockett Ranger District Site Predictive Model Evaluation - Davy Crockett NF - TX

Published by in Announcement ·
Tags: ProjectPosting
140.jpg by Dr. Robert Z. Selden Jr. of the Center for Regional Heritage Research (CRHR) at Stephen F. Austin State University
Join us for some archaeological "theory testing" on the Davy Crockett National Forest (DCNF)! The Davy Crockett is located in the Piney Woods of East Texas, approximately 80 miles west of the Louisiana state line and two hours north of Houston. There are many interesting historic and prehistoric sites in or near the Forest and, in a collaborative endeavor between the National Forests and Grasslands in Texas (NFGT) and the Center for Regional Heritage Research (CRHR) at Stephen F. Austin State University, participants will test (via shovel-testing, pedestrian survey, mapping, and artifact collection) a suite of new archaeological site-potential models. Your help on this project will be crucial in implementing more accurate and precise site-predictive models and, perhaps most importantly, will lead to the protection of irreplaceable cultural resources. There is also much to see and do in this area, during your hours "off the clock." We hope to see you in February for this unique project and archaeological opportunity with a little something for everyone!

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