Lithic Analysis 101 - Umpqua NF - OR - PIT Blog - Passport in Time

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Lithic Analysis 101 - Umpqua NF - OR

Published by in Announcement ·
Tags: ProjectPosting
20160224_145954.jpg by Carol Glad, PIT Volunteer and Meghan Mulholland, FS Archaeologist
Join Umpqua National Forest staff for a one-week session studying lithic technology! Volunteers will work with professional archaeologists to learn to identify stone materials such as jasper, obsidian, and basalt. Students will examine debitage and learn to differentiate between a flake, expedient flake tools, and formal chipped stone tools. After mastering chipped stone tools, students will learn to identify groundstone tools, how they were manufactured, and the types of artifacts commonly found in the archaeological record. This is a unique opportunity to learn a skill applicable to almost every field situation, or to refresh or hone skills you might already have - we are excited to offer this "lab class" as a formal PIT project! We hope to see you in February!

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