Theft of Time: Checking Behind Looters - De Soto NF - MS - PIT Blog - Passport in Time

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Theft of Time: Checking Behind Looters - De Soto NF - MS

Published by in Announcement ·
Tags: ProjectPosting
Marthcreek.jpg by Rob Reams, US Forest Service ArchaeologistThe fascination brought on by items of antiquity has been part of human culture for as long as there have been humans. This has led to the passage of laws and penalties, even coverage in various forms of media to thwart it. However, even with all of these “blockades” in place, the allure of finding artifacts and possessing them can turn to out-right stealing and vandalism, thus destroying valuable information from fragile resources; in short: stealing time! Last year was a tough year for the De Soto National Forest for this kind of damage. During this project, we will excavate two sites hit heavily by vandals. If you're able to laugh, have fun, and listen to bad jokes by the archaeologist (when he has a good one or two), then this project is for you! In addition, there will be a small, but intensive lab project set up for a small group (5 volunteers). The lab facility is small, and intense lab work is not for everybody, so we will be offering the lab only to the more experienced participants.

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