Hunting for Dinosaurs in North Dakota - Dakota Prairie NG - ND - PIT Blog - Passport in Time

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Hunting for Dinosaurs in North Dakota - Dakota Prairie NG - ND

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Join us on the Dakota Prairie Grasslands near Marmath, North Dakota for yet another "paleo" project! This year's PIT project will be hosted by both the Forest Service and the North Dakota Geological Survey. Once again, we will be hunting for fossils within the famous, Late Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation. The Hell Creek is chock full of turtles, Champsosaurs, crocodiles, birds, small mammals, clams, snails...and let's not forget the dinosaurs! We will be scouring the bandlands for microfossils in anthills, searching for skeletal elements exposed on the surface, and conducting excavation to get the critters to the North Dakota Heritage Museum. This is the first Paleontology Passport in Time project on this Forest Service unit, and we are excited to explore here! We hope you'll join us this summer for the next "dino" hunt in our series

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