The Hills are on Fire: Archaeological Survey & Site Recording within Recent Burn Areas of the San Gabriel Mountains - Angeles NF - CA - PIT Blog - Passport in Time

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The Hills are on Fire: Archaeological Survey & Site Recording within Recent Burn Areas of the San Gabriel Mountains - Angeles NF - CA

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2016_sand_fire_burn_area.jpg by Thalia Ryder, U.S. Forest ArchaeologistJoin us for another “hike into the past” on the Angeles National Forest! 2016 was a pivotal year in California fire history, with over 500,000 acres burned throughout the state. The Angeles NF experienced several of these large fires, which charred approximately 50,000 acres throughout the San Gabriel Mountains. But, there is a silver-lining: as archaeologists, these incidents often open up rare opportunities to survey land once covered by thick and sometimes impenetrable vegetation, allowing us to find and identify materials left behind by those who inhabited the mountains during the prehistoric and historic past! Join our team as we explore the hills that are, thankfully, no longer on fire, and you’ll get a chance to learn about the unique cultural history of the San Gabriel Mountains, and witness the beauty of a landscape rising from the ashes!

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